It’s sometimes striking how fast some crazy ideas go viral nowadays… and the tiger selfies on Tinder 🙂 make no exception, going far enough to escalate to the attention of the New York State Assembly.

Funny (or not), taking selfies with tigers, and eventually using them as profile pictures, is not allowed in NY any more, unless you want to pay the $500 fine for a few seconds of glory.

Being an image recognition company, especially focused on auto-tagging, it seems to us like a piece of cake to detect if there is a tiger on the image! Here is an example:


Tinder, Tigers, Tagging
Tinder, tigers, and tagging

You can see the sample test here and upload/paste a tiger selfie (not yours of course) to try it out.

And this could be used via API access by Tinder to warn users… or by the state assembly to detect them 😉

Just another (weird) validation how widespread image recognition could be nowadays… In any types of apps and use-cases, as images are becoming the ultimate way to communicate and express ourselves so easily, thanks to the cameras in our pockets.

Have an awesome idea that would greatly benefit from automated image tagging? Just sign up for free here and give our auto-tagging API a try.