We are happy to announce the upcoming update of our Tagging technology! We have been looking to make this change so that you can rely more on your API calls and get more precise results to help you better analyze and classify your visual data.

The updated version will become active on 28th of August and you can expect up to 45% more classes* with overall 15% improved precision rate and 30% better recall.

NEW vs. OLD Tagging Comparison

Because we believe that you need to see it with your eyes rather than just hear about it and test it on your own, we have decided to make this comparison with one of our Demo images.

Clearly in this case you can notice 46% more classes and the clear improvement of the precision in keywords accuracy. Prior to the update the most significant keyword was insect, while now it is dragonfly, small increase in recall but significant increase in intrinsic value.

Important For Current Users:

Our old tagging version will remain the default one for a period of 14 days after the launch. To upgrade you will need to change your endpoint parameter to version=3. Follow this example if you are uncertain how to do this.

If your current request url looks like this:


To make a request to the new version, it must looks like this:


After this, for a period of 7 days the new Tagging version will become the default one, but all users will still be able to make requests to the old version by adding the parameter for version=2. At the end of that period there will be only version 3 and you won’t be able to add version parameters to your calls.

What is your experience with version 2 and 3? Did you find much of a difference when testing with your dataset?

* Some classes may have changed names.

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