Imagga Joins CLAIRE: A Major Step Toward Strengthening European AI Excellence

Imagga, a leading AI and image recognition company, is proud to announce its…

CounteR Project Successfully Develops Innovative Tool for Detecting Radical Content Online

CounteR Project Successfully Develops Innovative Tool for Detecting Radical Content Online

Horizon Europe-funded Project Completes Three-Year Mission to Combat…

Response to COVID-19 Outbreak

The world as we know it has significantly changed. We all planned for a good…

EU Gateway Thailand

Imagga 2019 Rundown and Plans for 2020

What a year! 2019 was nothing less than super dynamic for us, and we feel super…

Announcing V3.0 Tagging With Up to 45 % More Classes

We are happy to announce the upcoming update of our Tagging technology! We have…

Press Release: Imagga Launches the First On-Premise Solution

Imagga launches the first ever on-premise solution for visual A.I. San Jose,…

Imagga Announcement: Attending GPU Munich

GPU Technology Conference is the largest and most sought after event in Europe…

Imagga Featured Hack: Hipster Bar

Hipster bar is where only hipsters are allowed! How do you reinforce that? With…