We are super excited to announce our partnership with AYLIEN – a natural language processing platform, that will make possible to add text analytics capabilities to our image recognition and analytics APIs. We believe this partnership will help users of both services better understand their multimedia content and do way more with it.
AYLIEN Text API is a package consisting of eight different Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning APIs that help developers extract meaning and insight from text documents. It can be applied in Ad-Targeting, Media Monitoring and Social Listening projects.
Imagga’s Image Recognition API utilizes machine learning, image recognition and deep learning algorithms to identify over 6,000 distinct objects and concepts and return relevant keywords that best describe what’s in the images.
Currently Imagga’s image analysis endpoint is being added to ALYIEN’s Natural Language Processing API, giving developers the ability to analyze text and images in one API.
Having access to two powerful technologies in a single API creates endless opportunities for businesses that need to deal with large volumes of user generated content. Users rarely input or share just text or images, so being able to analyze and understand both at once, gives amazing new opportunity for any business to distribute and monetize content.
Together with AYLIEN we’ve been testing how our technologies can compliment each other for some time and the results were very exciting. Text and images are different but complement well each other in many cases and applications.
You can try the new hybrid image and text analysis service here. There’s nice demo to play with before you are finally sold (you can see the results for some sample images, but also can upload your own)