Imagga @ Telerik Hackathon

After the exciting news of Telerik being acquired for over $260M last week it…

Free consultancy hours with the image organization pros

We are happy to announce a new initiative starting effectively tomorrow - free…

Imagga @ Seedhack lifelogging hackathon

Copyright @seedcamp It has become a good tradition to take part in Seedhack…

Photo Hack Day Japan - Imagga Prize

It’s exciting to take part in photo hackatons. We’ve been to several during…

Imagga @ Photo Hack Day Japan

Imagga continues to take part in hackathons. It’s in our DNA and it’s one of…

Imagga to partner Photo Hack Day NYC

It’s already a tradition to take part as partner at Photo Hack Day, organized…

Remixing Content - Imagga at Seedhack London

We are excited we are taking part in Seedhack 4.0, Seedcamp hack event that…

SeedHack, hacking with hackers in London

Imagga took part at exciting hacking event - SeedHack 4.0, that was organized…

Hacking The Hackathons

The first one was Startup Weekend Mobile Sofia (Bulgaria), held in Vivacom HQ,…

Imagga to partner Seedcamp's Seedhack to disrupt fashion and retail

We are very excited about going to the 3rd edition of Seedcamp's Seedhack this…