Having millions of images in your site is great, but how findable they really are?

We offer a fully automated service that extract color information from your images so people can discover them based on color. Here are several arguments on the awesomeness of our color extraction and color search API:

Color Extraction API
Color Extraction API
  • We offer the color extraction and color search technology as a service – you don’t need to install or host anything on your side, you simply make some lite HTTP requests to our servers in the cloud and they’ll do the job for you, returning the color information and/or the images with the specified colors in a fraction of the second;
  • Extracting precise color information, even for a few thousand of images, is something very time consuming for people to do, and it’s error prone as well. In comparison our service can precisely process hundreds of thousands of images in just a few hours so you can implement the color search functionality in your site in no time;
  • While being easy to integrate, the color extraction technology we offer is quite advanced – we can automatically separate the foreground and the background colors for you, so you can allow search for products/items with particular colors, discarding what are the colors at the background;
  • You can search not only by single color, but by a combination of up to five colors with different prominence when needed:
Multi-color search
Multi-color search
  • The pricing is purely based on actual usage. You don’t have to pay a setup fee, monthly subscription, or purchase an expensive license.

Already feel excited about it? Request a free trial API account here!