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Depending on your network and expertise there are multiple possible ways to cooperate with us.

Dev studios icon

Development Studios

Our technologies are suitable for a lot of applications and use-cases. It is common that we are contacted by studios which develop applications for customers, and are interested in integrating our technologies as part of the package proposed to their customers. We can offer special terms to Development Studios willing to integrate with us.

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Images are a vital part of many industries and businesses. We want to reach every possible customer and this is where you can help. If your network reaches businesses that are potential users of our technologies, we'll be happy to partner to on-board them as customers.

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Image platforms icon

Image Processing Platforms

Image processing is a broad area and while we focus on high-level semantic image recognition and understanding there are a lot of services and platforms that take the burden of image processing and content delivery. If you are such a platform you may be interested to integrate our technologies as part of your solutions. We already have multiple success stories of this scenario.

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