Photobox: Innovative service for automatic search and organisation of huge volumes of personal photos
Start: 16.11.2018 End: 16.11.2020
The ‘Photobox’ - Innovative service for automatic search and organisation of huge volumes of personal photos is funded by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund through the „Innovations and Competitiveness 2014-2020” Operational Programme.
European Regional Development Fund: 361 203.94 BGN National funding: 63 741.88 BGN Total budget: 542 093.65 BGN
Summary and main goals of the project
The Photobox project is aimed at developing cloud-based technology as a service for automatic search and organization of huge volumes of personal photos. The innovative service proposed, provides a unique solution worldwide for automatically recognizing, analyzing and organizing personal photos, suitable for a wide range of business customers, such as telcos, mobile network operators (MNOs), social networks, media platforms, etc., managing very large volumes of end users’ photos. The Photobox project will allow Imagga Technologies Ltd, to create a customised technology and solution for this use case, building upon the company’s technologies for automated image categorisation, tagging and face recognition and clustering.
Contact: Dr Stavri Nikolov, Research Director (stavri.nikolov@imagga.com)